For this project you will individually choose to research the representation in the media of a particular social group of people that are often represented in a negative way.
Click on this link to see an example of what you are going to produce:
People are represented in many different ways in the media, and often for some of these groups they are shown in quite a negative way. We may hear lots of stories about them committing crimes in the news or being rude etc. Or in TV shows the characters they play often are seen as bad / lonely / weak / helpless / pathetic / evil etc. Obviously these are not always accurate representations of what these types of people are really like. Instead they are negative stereotypes which are used because it is easy for audiences to understand, is familiar to them (as they have grown up with similar stories) and can be more shocking or entertaining than reality.
Your task it to pick one “social group” from the list below (or if you have another idea, ask to check it is ok). You must then carry out research online to create a DETAILED blog entry discussing how people in that group are usually represented in the media. You research will be split into sections and each section should include pictures, and if possible embedded video clips that you have found online to demonstrate your points.
Social Groups that you could choose: Teenagers, old people, disabled people, gay people, people from a particular ethnic group, asylum seekers, men, women, etc. If you have another idea please ask your teacher first to see if it is ok.
In this section you should introduce the social group you are going to investigate and explain why you chose them. For example “For my research project I have chosen to investigate how disabled people are represented in the media. I chose those this because someone in my family is disabled and I often get quite angry at the way they are shown on TV. I wanted to find out how they are represented in all forms of media.”
Section 1 – Television
In this section you are going to give some examples of TV characters from dramas or soaps that fit into the social group you are researching. Use pictures to illustrate your points. For each character explain whether their character is shown in a positive and negative way and explain why. To help you do this, think about whether the storylines in the show represent them as being nice people, or nasty, popular or lonely, powerful or weak etc. Try and give examples of the storylines they have had that back up your points.
Section 2 – Film
In this section you are going to give some examples of films that have featured main characters from the social group you have chosen. Use pictures of the film posters or images of scenes from the film to give examples. For each film explain whether the character you have chosen has been represented in a positive or negative way. To help you do this, think about whether the film represents them as being nice people, or nasty, popular or lonely, powerful or weak etc. Try and give examples of the parts of the films that back up your points.
Section 3 – News
In this section you are going to give some examples of news stories (either from tv news or web news or newspapers) that have featured people from the social group you have chosen. Use pictures, links or “print screens” to give examples of the stories. For each story explain whether the social group has been represented in a positive or negative way. To help you do this, think about whether the news stories represent them as being nice people, or nasty, popular or lonely, powerful or weak etc. Try and give examples of the parts of the news stories that back up your points.
Section 4 – Conclusion
In this section you are going to sum up what you have found out about the ways in which the media (TV, news and film) represent the social group that you have chosen. Explain what effect all these different types of representation could have on audiences that see them.
Key words to try and include
Stereotype Representation / Represents
Negative / Positive Audience
Signifies (it means shows) Suggests
Here is an example which examines the way overweight people are shown in tv / news / film. Use the example to help you see how to lay it out and what level of detail you should be using.
You have just 2 lessons and 1 homework to complete your blogs. You will be assessed on the following:
1. Your understanding of REPRESENTATION
2. Your use of relevant examples in your case studie
3. Your use of Media Terminology (that means specific media language)